The Bone Haus Chronicles
From the Journal of Hans Von Biermann, alleged nephew of the Lost Dutchman, Jacob Waltz.
Art by Mikel Whelan
Did you know there is a hidden #13 in our artwork?

Desert Demon Triple New England ipa
"My horse Desert Wilde took a long time to break. It took a long time for us to bond. I wondered about his anger, his eyes flaming red. I had to be patient with him. One day, we were confronted by a most villainous adversary when I was close to a new location that might be my uncle's mine. As soon as his gun was drawn, Desert Wilde transformed into an angry, hellish Demon and drove him away." -HVB

Desert Wilde Double New England ipa
Episode 1
"I've always had a good relationship with the natural world but when this wild horse arrived through an unnatural portal, I had no idea what to expect. The presence and extreme confidence from this beast was something to behold. To harness this power was impossible. The beast had to offer his trust. And as it is now, I call this powerhorse Desert Wilde. Behold what power and might the beast has." -HVB

Desert Wilde Double New England ipa - Englemann Edition
Episode 2
"Before I knew Desert Wilde, Dusty told me a tale of harvesting prickly pear fruit with Dr. Engelmann when just over the crest of a nearby hill came a thunderous stomp. As they turned toward the noise, they saw a massive beast of a horse nearly on top of them. His eyes red with rage, his hooves held high as if to strike. In a panic, Dusty fired his pistol into the air and frightened the beast away." -HVB

Desert Wilde Double New England ipa
Episode 3
"Desert Wilde has become a loyal horse, a horse with astounding abilities, some to which I am not yet privy. My first encounter with one Randy Ringo, revealed one of these abilities. Wilde reared up when Ringo approached. His eyes started burning red at the man, yet he did nothing wrong. After discussions with Ringo, I see that Wilde can sense a man and his evil intentions." -HVB

Desert Distortion Juicy India Pale Ale
Episode 1
Hans Von Biermann, alleged nephew of the Lost Dutchman, searched the desserts of Arizona looking for his uncle and the lost mine in the late 1890's. He often rode the line between life and death. 'Like a fool, I chased ghosted clues into the heat of the desert with limited supplies. At the edge of death, I happened upon an unlikely oasis to quench my thirst but it only left me in want of more.' ~ HVB

Desert Distortion Juicy India Pale Ale
Episode 2
'I stumbled to the rift toward an oasis not of this desolate land. I then realized how far I traveled on foot in search of the lost mine. A massive steed stood staring at me in my weakened state appearing half in this world, half elsewhere. As I touched the portal to coerce the horse into taking me back to town, the oasis was disrupted and decayed before me, inviting death to pervade.' ~ HVB

Desert Distortion Juicy India Pale Ale
Episode 3
'I had obviously disturbed this now angry steed. He lunged from the fading portal and entered my world in a charge of fury and attack. I drew my weapon as his red, glaring eyes struck fear in my heart. The powerful beast reared above me as the sky darkened and suddenly crashed alive with thunder and lightning. All this, yet, I meant the creature no harm. ' ~ HVB
Desert Distortion New England ipa
Episode 4
"Against my better judgement, I tried to tame this angry horse. I attempted to throw a long strap over his head yet this did nothing but anger the beast as evidenced by the red glow in his eyes. Once I landed the strap across his head, he burst into flames which startled me. The storm around us grew as angry as this beast. What nature of horse is this that can wield fire at the thought of its own defense?" -HVB

Desert Distortion New England ipa
Episode 5
"By some incredible luck, I was able to get the strap over the beast's head. What ensued was a tensioned fight for which I was ill prepared. I pulled with all I had, yet the malevolent horse just glared at me with those red eyes. Then, as the portal closed behind him, he eased his concerns with me. His anger started to subside and though his hooves were dug into the desert floor, there was now some sense of hope." -HVB

Desert Distortion Wet Hop New England ipa
Episode 6
"The skies darkened suddenly as I fought this glorious steed. The clouds opened and the torrent began. The cool water seemed to calm the beast. His eyes still red with fury, fear and fight, his dark and dry bones relaxed and allowed him a better disposition of which I gladly welcomed. It was the first inclination that conflict was not the only way with this horse from that otherworld beyond." -HVB

Desert Distortion New England ipa
Episode 7
"As the storm intensified, I knew we needed shelter fast. Befriending this steed was not an act of immediacy but one of patience. My makeshift camp lie only beyond the hills. The horse was so reluctant but somehow also knew it needed some form of shelter from the monsoon. I struggled to get the beast to camp but with mutual concern of the storm, he reluctantly subsided, yet ever ready to attack." -HVB

"We entered camp under the complete magnificence of the monsoon. This steed was getting riled with every strike of lightning and every crash of thunder. His eyes lit like fire with every strike. He reared with every thunderous crash. He was getting agitated and aggressive yet again, losing any progress we might have gained. Any sense of his compliance swept away like a flash flood. As the skies opened up and the downpour began, the horse started to lose control. I had no choice but to let him flail about hoping he would eventually calm before destroying my camp!" - HVB
Desert Distortion Wet Hop New England ipa
Episode 8

Coyote Thief Bourbon Mesquite Ale
Episode 1
'After hours of exploring, I settled in a near perfect circle of mesquite trees with great hesitation. Despite my intent, I fell asleep only to be awakened by a pack of coyotes in my camp. I sat up with a near branch in my grasp but was frozen upon their glowing gazes. I could not move. The coyote closest to me grabbed my supply sack in his mouth, stared at me for a moment, turned and left for the darkness.' ~ HVB

Englemann's Elixir Prickly Pear Pale Wheat Ale
Episode 1
'Dusty Ballyman is a con's con yet very loyal to me. In searching for my uncle, he spied a strange man bent over some cactus just off the trail east of Phoenix. Ever careful, he dismounted from his horse, drew his gun and the man roared up in surprise stumbling back, causing Dusty's horse to rear. He learned this man was Dr. Engelmann, an academic botanist and after a spell an idea struck.' ~ HVB
Englemann's Elixir Prickly Pear Pale Ale
Episode 2
"Dusty quickly realized that the botanist before him was not a threat. He approached him cautiously just the same and asked why he was so interested in this cactus. Dr. Engelmann explained the benefits of the prickly pear fruit when prepared well. Dusty devised a plan to make an elixir with wondrous properties. The botantist divulged more of what he knew out of fear. Dusty can be an intimidating fellow at times." -HVB

Englemann's Elixir Prickly Pear Pale Ale
Episode 3
"Dusty has a talent for discovering opportunity wherever it may lie. When he learned of the powerful properties of the prickly pear fruit from the botantist, Dr. Engelmann by sheer happenstance, he concocted a plan to fund our continuing search for my lost uncle. He learned how to turn this widespread fruit into an elixir, one he could sell to townsfolk for their clear benefit. The good doctor advised against it, but Dusty is... persuasive."

Englemann's Elixir Prickly Pear Pale Ale
Episode 4
"Dusty and the good doctor harvested a fair amount of the prickly pear fruit right then and there. As careful as the doctor was, Dusty was flicking them off with the barrel of his gun, perhaps to intimidate the doctor. They hurried to collect all they could before sundown. as dusk came they heard a snort just beyond the cactus patch. Dusty's gun at the ready, they weren't sure what to expect.~ HVB

Peralta's Treasure Session India Pale Ale
Episode 1
'When looking for missing treasures, mines, and people, we consider the local legends with or without much proof. One must be thorough. The legends of the Peralta family seem connected to my uncle somehow. There could be a link to the missing mine if only we could find the Peralta treasure. Dusty and I had a hunch on a canyon but facing death may be the only way to find out more.' ~ HVB

Peralta's Treasure India Pale Ale
Episode 2
"We made our way through the rocky canyon floor only to find a small cave entrance that was ensconced in the canyon wall. Before the entrance, a hill of skulls was arranged to either warn or protect. I inspected one skull with an arrow lodged in the temple. It was then, Dusty muttered that we had visitors. We walked a thin line between certain death and trusted allies." -HVB

Pistols of Roulette Coffee Vanilla Stout
Episode 1
'I have known fear. Fear can keep you alive in this dreadful place. However, fear from looking down the barrels of these exquisite pistols is the last fear any poor soul will ever have. I have not known this fear due to the undying loyalty I receive from Roulette. Indeed she ensures I never see the busy end of any pistol. For the pistols of Roulette neither miss, nor seek compromise.' ~ HVB

Dutchman's Dream Pale Ale
Episode 1
"After months in a new land without finding my Uncle Jacob or his mine, I question my decision to travel to this Arizona Territory. It is a difficult place to reside. It is hostile. Yet, I feel I must stay and continue my quest. My Uncle must be here somewhere. I envision him finding a glorious vein of gold in a hidden mine in the nearby mountains, producing legendary nuggets of gold. This Dutchman's Dream is my dream as well. ” ~ HVB

Dutchman's Dream Wulfenite Raspeberry Pale Ale
Episode 1
"I spoke with a man who claimed to be a bit of a nomadic miner. He spun tales of glassy red stones found in the silver mines far south in the Arizona territory. He called the stones wulfenite, a newly discovered gem that was as red as the Arizona sunsets. I had to wonder if my Uncle Jacob was enticed by the red gem. I dream of him finding valuable gems. This Dutchman's Dream is my dream as well.” ~ HVB

Dutchman's Dream Aurum Pale Ale
Episode 1 with mango pineapple and passion fruit
"In recent weeks I have approached miners, vagrants, vagabonds, and locals, asking them for any information about a 'Dutchman' that might have explored these parts. Many clearly do not want to share what they know. I dream the Dutchman's Dream, the realization of finding a productive vein of minerals, preferably that of gold. I am sure my uncle spent many nights awake in this dream." -HVB

The Red Wraith Irish Red ipa
Episode 1
"A local mystic recommended I consult his talking board to find clues to the lost mine or to my lost uncle. I agreed and was met with a ghastly surprise. Upon testing the spirit world, a ghostlike woman, a red wraith, emerged from the glass. She was dressed in Irish garb and knew of a wealthy yet evil clan that had mistreated her. They spoke of a mine they would soon take over from another man." -HVB
Madam's Revenge Orange & Coriander Belgian Ale
"I recently heard a haunting tale about a brothel where a successful madam from Belgium was shot by her man for cash. He shot her again but she was still alive. He went back into a saloon to reload as she screamed for help. No one assisted her. He came back and shot her dead a third time. Now people in this town put cotton in their ears around sunset so they don't hear her screams. They all fear her revenge." -HVB

Ghostfire Coconut S'Mores Oatmeal Stout
"At the foot of the jagged mountains east of Phoenix, I settled in the only cleared area I could find as dusk approached. I was out of water and had to lay rest by some poor soul's makeshift grave. I drifted off to sleep by my modest fire, only to be awakened by water poured on my head followed by a haunting howl. Within the smoke, a cursed ghost with a coconut dipper further cursed and teased my situation." -HVB

The Whispers of Geronimo Oatmeal Stout
Episode 1
"I had made my way deep into the dangerous Superstition Mountains and found a large cave high upon the ridge. The view demanded my attention. As I perched upon a rock, I was overcome with peace as I stared into the crevices of the walls before me. In this calmness, a whisper in the wind came to me sharing the pains of the land and all it had to offer for those that tended to its well being. The whisper gave me hope and I shall never give up." -HVB

Copper Crypt Imperial ipa
Episode 1
"I received a letter at my home in Germany from my estranged uncle Jacob claiming he had found a rich gold mine in the Arizona Territory but could trust no one. He asked for my help to mine the gold ore. I went to our cathedral and sat with his letter before the Crypt of St. Conrad, a quiet place to think and decide. As i sat debating, an apparition rose from the copper crypt pointing west. I had no choice but to chase my future treasures." -HVB

Miner's Debt Black ipa
Episode 1
"After a long, fruitless day in the eastern mountains, I began my descent into a clearing in the desert at dusk. As the sun fell, an unkindness of ravens descended upon me. The largest threw his talons toward me, snatched the coin purse off my belt, and fluttered down to an unkept grave. The raven perched upon the stone, satisfied, as it emptied my coins unto the out-stretched hand of a previously inanimate miner. It was his debt I had just paid." -HVB
Sonoran Shimmer Helles Lager
Episode 1
"My Uncle Jacob failed to warn me about the extreme effects of the desert heat in the Arizona Territory when he asked me to come to help him with his mine. Even my trusted horse, Desert Wilde, has trouble with the devastating and unrelenting sun of the Sonoran summer. We must be diligentto not be fooled by mirages and heat waves. The Sonoran Shimmer promises relief by revealing a lush oasis, but as we approach, it disappears leaving us yearning for the promise of refreshing relief from the heat of the Sonoran sun." - HVB

Carbide Light Blonde Ale
"After exploring the foothills by the eastern mountains just outside of Phoenix, I found a mine entrance which appeared to be in poor condition. I lit my carbide lantern as it was near sunset when I ventured inside with my revolver ever at my side. As I cautiously walked in, a series of carbide lights on a nearby makeshift shelf began to mysteriously flicker on one by one. It became suddenly cold and a light breeze emerged from the back of the mine. As I looked deeper, I saw a small movement and what appeared to be a hand holding another smoking carbide lantern above a rubble pile of rock and ore that had apparently had this individual trapped." ~ HVB
Reaper's Widow Amber Altbier
"Gazing through the reeds by the Salt River, I saw remnants of a cabin in the distance. A dark figure was standing broad raising a rusted scythe and swinging down into the field with two hands. He tirelessly worked the fields in a straight line without slowing or looking up. I writhed through the reeds and neared the edge of the field, when I began to stand from my cautious crouch. As I rose, I was startled by a ghastly woman in a black dress, overlooking the field with an empty stare, arms in hope, hair flowing in the breeze." ~ HVB

Sunset Condor Helles Bock Lager
"The most peculiar thing occurred at dusk as I stumbled upon the remnants of a large horse. As the rays from the brutal summer sun subsided across the nearby mountain range, they appeared to give life to these gathering condors. These large birds seems to dance between life and death based on whether the rays of light would stream across them or not. It just further confuses me as to my own state. Am I also affected by this phenomenon? Sometimes I feel alive inside with the thrill of the hunt for my Uncle Jacob and his mine. Yet, other times it is as if I had already passed." ~ HVB

Head Harvester Pumpkin Pie Amber Ale
"It was rumored that on Hallow's Eve, an evil pervades a certain part of the local land. Inexplicable horrors, storied and exaggerated, fly from ear to ear amongst the people of Phoenix. I have also heard there is a master of this evil that lives not far from the valley, in the fields by the Salt River. It is said that there is a harvest, a harvest of souls, run by an evil Head Harvester!"

Head Harvester ii Pumpkin Pie Amber Ale
"On this Hallow's Eve, I found myself near a ranch quite outside of Phoenix. I was confronted by a farmer to leave the area at once, lest my soul be harvested and eaten by the most of evils. I could not help but think it was this Head Harvester himself that would feast on my very soul." ~ HVB

The Greed of Fisk & Gould Maple Chocolate Imperial Stout
"In 1869, James Fisk and Jay Gould formed the Gold Ring, a plot to run up the price of gold in the country by buying as much as they could and selling it at a high price, effectively crashing the market. Because of their political affiliations, they managed to avoid any real punishment. Their greed lives on and the day of the gold panic they caused is known as Black Friday." ~ HVB

The Greed of Fisk & Gould II Maple Chocolate Imperial Stout
"The gold panic of 1869 was caused by the 'gold ring' scandal where investors James Fisk and Jay Gould cornered the market with inside trading. They convinced President Grant to prevent any treasury gold sales which ran up the price as they bought all they could. They unloaded their holdings just before President Grant sold off $4 million in gold crashing the market."

Figgy Pudding Strong Ale
'In my home land of Germany, there is a legend about a creature, half-goat, half-demon, that punishes children that have misbehaved in the holiday season. This land of desperation is equally punishing in the winter as it is an unforgiving land. I feel the Krampus is toasting my struggles." ~ HVB

Figgy Pudding II Strong Ale
"Here I am in this arid and barren land, far from snow, far from joy and yet the holidays approach, likely with reservation in such a hostile land. I cannot help but think of this as the home of the foul Krampus. Perhaps this demon goat tortures his little bad souls amongst the scrub brush and cactus, amongst the scorpions, arachnids and other brutish creatures. Yet, I must remain positive." ~ HVB